the benefits of honey 2018-2019

The Benefits of Honey 2018-2019 Postings & Amazing Stories

The Benefits of Honey 2018-2019 Postings

Most Recent Posts: The Benefits of Honey – Amazing Stories

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Doug Macaulay, United States     29/12/2019 @10:08:49

A couple months ago, I tore a piece of skin on my arm. It didn’t hurt much, but it bled a lot. When I got the bleeding to stop using pressure, I put honey on the injury and surrounding tissue and covered it with a bandage. I changed that dressing twice a day for a few days. The wound never did develop a scab. Instead, it knitted itself back to surrounding skin.

Now I have to search for the wound site. I think I can find it, but no one else would ever notice it.

the benefits of honey 2018-20193 postings postings

I have also had problems with venous insufficiency, having also had two events of deep vein thrombosis and the collateral damage to vein valves in my legs. As a result, if I injure my lower legs, such injuries have twice progressed to become ulcers which took months to heal.

The most recent time this happened, after using medicine for months, I remembered that honey is a great healer. I stopped using the medicine and packed the area with honey instead. The wound healed in a matter of days.

Finally, last summer I had an athletes foot infection on the toes of my right foot. Or so I thought. The usual fungus creams were not helping, and the discomfort was substantial. After having no success with medicine, I switched to honey, spreading the honey liberally between the toes, and above and below them. In two days, all signs of the disease had disappeared, and has not returned.

         Carl Melnyk, Canada     16/12/2019 @21:59:53

Not sure exactly when this chronic addition to peanut butter and honey sandwiches with a big glass of milk began BUT when I think about it for any athlete, Wow: that’s highly nutritious!

The honey makes it heavenly.

Truly is God’s candy.

         Don, Canada     16/12/2019 @ 17:58:02

I have used buckwheat honey for my colds and flu for several years and they always seem to boost my immune system. I know better now!

         Norliza Samsudin, Malaysia     07/12/2019 @22:40:45

I used honey as my daily morning intake before breakfast. I use madu kelulut (stingless bee)honey. I have few stingless bees nest that I keep around the house.

         Linda, Philippines     15/09/2019 @04:56:00

I am a honey user in many ways. If I cook food I used honey instead of sugar. If I have cough or something like runny nose, I used honey mixed with lemon juice. It’s very effective specially to my 89 year old mom. I maintain her 1 tbs. of honey 3 times a day everyday. BUT the most amazing experience for me with honey is that, for almost 3 decades now that I continually used it as a regimen on my face.

I mixed honey with egg white and massage it to my face every morning for 15 minutes before shower. And as evidence, I am blemish free, pimples or acne free face and many people that I knew of told me that I am more or less 10 years younger than my age. I AM NOW 55 YEARS OLD. This is my story. Thank you.

         Hank Fulton, United States     02/12/2018 @13:49:19

Have been using honey for years for a lot of things. Have been mixing honey and ACV and Lemon and ginger to lose weight and have lost 20 pounds. No longer have cravings for sweets. I am almost never hungry and eat one full meal a day. I sleep better.

         Tania Basson, South Africa     01/12/2018 @11:37:03

Hi, I make oats every morning for my family with raisins and ground cinnamon. To make the oats more creamy I add low fat half a cup of low fat milk and when the oats is sufficiently cool a teaspoon of honey.

My family of five have our different nutritional needs, with myself having been recently diagnosed with angina due to high cholesterol, oral HRT therapy and my son being HDAD, my mom and friend being diabetic, as well as his dad having high blood pressure and cholesterol. We all benefit greatly from this breakfast for so many reasons.

         Donald Osamudiame, Nigeria     10/11/2018 @09:25:15

The benefit of honey – it relaxes the brain and works in the vein.

         Norliza Samsudin, Malaysia     19/10/2018 @12:18:48

I started beekeeping stingless bees sometime ago but at that time I have very little knowledge about honey and rarely take it as part of my daily diet. Lately, my interest towards beekeeping has grown and drinking honey with plain water every morning is a must.

Thank you for the enormous info about the benefits of honey in your website. I’m now taking honey with apple cider vinegar every morning and night (hibernation diet).

         Lola, Australia     06/10/2018 @00:05:45

Our small cottage industry making honey/beeswax products would not be able without us having core values that have our bees health & wellbeing paramount. They are wonderful incredible creatures/pets and we are blessed they share their product with us.

I recently created a honey, coconut castile soap dog wash for our dog who had continual skin issues- honey has been the key in turning around her skin aliment – my vet condoned the use of our RAW pure wonderful honey!

         Abundant, Ghana     28/09/2018 @11:42:42

I had this terrible nail infections for ten years! It comes and merely goes after medication. Just after washing even with the mildest soap, oops it gets swollen and so painful! One night, I run out of all the medication, I did not have any to make the pain stop! I took my honey mixed with small Garlic and I placed it on my nails already swollen around my fingers! Within three to five min the pain died!

The following morning the swell came down, I continued, for three days, the nails and wounds and swollen has seized. The nail is healing faster than this expensive medicines that never healed. Its like a miracle!

         TeganUninly, United States     11/06/2018 @19:59:33

Great, thanks for sharing this post. Really thank you! Awesome.

         Anshuman Tripathi, India     11/06/2018 @01:42:09

I have been using honey since my childhood and it has been a great experience using it. I came to know about major benefits of honey in my late 20’s and from then I stated having it with water to make me fit and healthy.

As my aunt has a beauty parlor some time I use go there and have variety of honey beauty products applied on my face, which she says is very safe then any other chemical made products in the market. I am still exploring the honey and your website has educated me a lot.

         Christina Amaral, United States     22/05/2018 @09:13:09

I’m an older person (60) and I’m having many digestion issues as well as being overweight by 40 pounds. Most have given up on me. I’m hoping this is a new avenue. I haven’t tried this way of thinking and truthfully I didn’t even know this honey experience existed. I’m very hopeful that help is around the corner (or on the internet) for me.

         Vanessa Kuleti, Malawi     30/04/2018 @07:27:54

I lost 15kgs in 8 months after drinking honey+lemon water every morning on an empty stomach.

        Alice Gacheri, Kenya     17/04/2018 @03:25:52

– I used honey with ginger, garlic and lemon for cough syrup which is so effective on sore throat, colds on children. I rarely take medication because honey builds the body immunity to fight with diseases.

– I use honey mixed with lemon on my face for even skin tone and hydration and my skin is soft and even.
– I use honey with purple tea every day which acts as antioxidant.
– I take honey water every morning before breakfast to cleanse my system this helps me reduce weight.
– I use honey on fresh wounds to stop bleeding and also prevent bacteria from the wounds and this is quite effective.
– I give my children a tea spoon of honey every morning before going to school and this has lessen the number of times they suffer from cold and fever.

– I use honey on my hair to strengthen it from breakages and this has really helped. I apply honey on my hair and scalp, wait like for fifteen minutes and wash.

– I bake my cakes with honey instead of sugar and this gives me good results.

– I encourage my customers i.e. (because I have beehives and sell honey to them) to use honey instead of sugar for its benefits.

I enjoy honey every moment and I have forgotten the taste of sugar for the last five years I have used honey. I can never complain.

         Annie Xu, China     19/03/2018 @07:50:56

Honey is my true love, My whole family eat and use honey everyday…from kids to grandpa. We drink honey water, eat comb honey directly, using honey to help with skin problem, and some wounds that might happen in our daily life.

         Judith Alston, United States     28/02/2018 @00:03:06

My experience is wide, I use honey to cook with my a recipe with chicken and bbq sauce and bake it. I use honey for drinking with my Bragg vinegar also I use honey just to eat for energy. I love to eat with the comb.

         Patricia, United Kingdom     09/02/2018 @14:51:16

Honey helps me sleep.

         Rupali Saini, India     07/02/2018 @06:01:17

Honey has proved to be a Savior for me in my hair loss. I used following hair mask twice a week.
1 spoon honey
Half spoon cinnamon powder
1 spoon olive oil

Method to use:                               
Mix olive oil and cinnamon powder and heat a bit. Pour in spoonful of honey and apply on your scalp for 30-45 mins. Wash with lukewarm water. Blanca Flores, United States     05/02/2018 @09:42:02

I love honey. I am diabetic and very happy to trust that ingesting honey is safe for me. I also very much use apple cider vinegar. I am very interested in your site.

         Charlotte Smart, South Africa     10/01/2018 @08:04:01

Honey mixed with turmeric, cinnamon and ginger – my Dad swore by it! He had cancer and he said this helped him a lot! My husband and I drink honey and lemon water every morning – SO refreshing and healthy! I eat honey with my plain yoghurt – I am addicted to it! Tastes delish and healthy on top of it!

         Marlena Cantu, United States     03/01/2018 @14:21:00

Currently I am under the weather and I remembered something my Mom had me do the last time I was sick. She mixed a past of cinnamon and honey and gave me a teaspoon everyday. Remarkably I was feeling better than the normal length of time it would have taken me to get over being sick.

So, now I am browsing remedies that include Cinnamon and Honey when I stumble across this website. The coverage of honey and cinnamon is amazing and I want to know more!

        Lucy, United States     23/11/2017 @15:11:45

My dog Hunter got superficial corneal on one of his eye. I applied antibiotic eye drop and atropine drop daily during the first week of treatment. He could barely keep his eye opened. There was discharge first two days and tear afterwards. I found honey eye drop can cure corneal ulcer online because I worried side effect of antibiotic.

I started using honey eye drop (1 part boiled artesian water, 1 part raw organic Brazilian honey from target), Hunter’s eye showed improvement the next day. No more squinting, no more tear stain, his eye wide open although the pupil still dilated from atropine. I applied honey eye drop once every three hours. The dent from ulcer is shrinking after 3 days.

        Doug, United States     08/11/2017 @06:49:41

I eat honey every day, on toast, waffles, in my 100% Hershey’s powdered chocolate. Because of it’s natural benefits. We have also used honey to heal cuts it’s amazing at healing a big cut leaving no scar. We use pure unpasteurized EX EX EX cream honey Ontario #1 product of Canada. I buy 35lb at a time from Eagles Nest Apairles Mono Ont Canada. I’m a frequent traveler to Canada, honey is a USA free trade item. Cream honey is hard to find in the USA.

        Ruth, Benefits of Honey     03/11/2017 @10:28:19

Yes, Samiuddin, there’s no easy method of testing honey purity from home. The best is to get your honey directly from a trusted bee farm or beekeeper.

        Samiuddin, Saudi Arabia     02/11/2017 @04:48:47

Since childhood I take honey as my core food along with milk, and even after meals. It helps digestion and helps in the process of digestion. In my childhood days, it was very easy to get pure honey but nowadays stores are full of different brands and 99% of the stuff is not pure to get the real benefits of honey. Even some tests are there to check, whether the honey is pure or not but those tests are are also not able to detect purity. Appreciate, if anyone can guide me the source to get pure honey.

        Barbara DeVries, United States     09/10/2017 @14:43:02

My Mother’s Recipe for Sleep Aid:

1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Mix in a cup or other container and swallow. If needed, can be slightly diluted with water to help in swallowing.

        Lisa Lewey-Shields, United States     10/09/2017 @23:09:14

I like to eat honey on biscuits and on peanut butter toast. I like to cook with honey and I LOVE Honey Mustard with mayo.. I like honey in my BBQ sauce on chicken and pork. I like honey in my vinegarette salad dressings. I like honey in my hot tea in the winter. I like honey and oats and sunflower cookies. I like honey lip balm and moisturizer. I use honey milk soap.

        Nancy Wolfson, United States     18/08/2017 @20:01:16

I have always liked honey but just recently started eating more honey and really enjoying it. It just seems to satisfy me more than many other sweet things and a small amount of honey keeps me from overeating. It is just very satisfying to eat honey.

        Troy, United States     26/06/2017 @20:30:38

Had athletes feet. Put honey on feet every night for 2 weeks and it went away.

        Arjay Bete, Philippines     05/05/2017 @03:29:02

My son since 6 mos old I gave honey as his vitamins and it went well for him. No hassle when he was teething and has grown into a strong baby. He is now 4 yrs old and still taking in honey. And not only him, all of us are taking real, pure, raw and wild honey available here in our locality.

        Lisa Marie, United States     05/05/2017 @12:07:10

I will use it in place of jelly or jam on toast or a peanut butter sandwich or instead of syrup on pancakes or waffles. Sometimes, I will sprinkle a little cinnamon on top of the honey as well. This is just something that I have done for years and just prefer to other toppings for my toast, peanut butter, pancakes or waffles. I will also make a salad dressing using a teaspoon of mustard, a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, some lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey with some salt+pepper, mix it all together and pour it over my salad.

        Hazelphine Townsend, United States     24/03/2017 @10:26:34

I have used honey in almost everything, in the 70’s and 80’s. I use honey in place of sugar in my cake recipes, for sore throats in my home, and in all of my herbal teas.

        Arsad, Thailand     17/02/2017 @04:52:20

My cousin said that he cured his Hepa B with honey.

        Sylvia, United States     16/01/2017 @17:42:11

BURNS! I did this for my son and he is now about 40 and has NO scar tissue on his stomach. Please read and learn…….. My son was between 3 and 4 years old. I was cooking, My son was standing in a large stool near me watching. I turned to get something out of the cupboard… heard him scream, turned around and his shirt was on fire. He ran toward the living room. I caught him but it was too late.

He had 3rd degree burns all over his stomach and chest. Took him to his ER who treated him and gave me instructions on how to care for the bad burns. I was to peel the skin off of his stomach and chest and put on what the Dr. had given me. I did this one time. It was so painful to my son that that was the last time I followed the doctor’s instructions.

I read up on honey, which I always used anyway. I plastered his stomach with raw honey and vitamin E. I kept that on always until he was over the burn. There were no more screams from my son. The bad skin came off by itself and the area healed. To this day, my son has no scars. Germs cannot live in honey. I put it on any wound I get and did so with each of my 5 children. Have a good, healthy day….Sylvia

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