how to treat a burn
How to Treat a Burn Cheaply and Effectively in 1 Step
By Maria San Juana, United States
Know how to treat a burn? Give honey a try!
While I was curling my hair, I accidentally burned my face with the curling iron while trying to answer the phone. I immediately ran downstairs to get an ice cube to calm the burning. Once I arrived to my class, I noticed it was turning brown. I cried. It was hideous. I am in high school so image is everything. I am the type of girl that never has anything on her face, with perfect hair. Once this happened, EVERYONE noticed and asked me what happened. I spoke to my cousin and she told me to apply honey on it but I didn’t believe her. How was honey going to help? Don’t you eat honey?
Umm, I got home and applied natural honey from a bee farm in Mexico and placed gauze on it overnight. The next morning, I took off the gauze and washed my face with soap and water and the scab fell off on its own while I was rinsing my face. With such excitement, I immediately called my cousin and thanked her because her advice worked! It was a light pink color and I kept using the honey for about 3 days.
By Friday, IT WAS GONE! NO SCARS! It looked as if nothing had happened. If you are skeptical, give it a try. It’s cheap and won’t give you side effects like other medicines! It also works to prevent pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, and even fades any skin discolorations.
By Mary Fifer, United States
My father was so convinced by a book called “Bees Don’t Get Arthritis” that we practiced a great number of the things that were recommended in that book. Within a year he had 2-4 beehives of his own (a shop friend at the public school had his boys make the supers if they didn’t know what project they wanted to do) and had a Mennonite neighbor help with learning the art. The Mennonite needed a place more than two miles from his house and we fit the bill!
I have had several serious burns and have seen a few amongst my children. Even when a blister was already forming the raw honey completely took away the pain and the mark, redness, etc. The only mark left was missing callous on the palm of my hand when I helped my brother with a brazing project. I jumped to get the “just under red hot” piece of brazing rod and, of course, grabbed the hot end. Fifteen minutes of holding raw honey in my hand and all pain and redness was gone! We know of many stories on how to treat a burn with honey too.
Other Related Pages on How to Treat a Burn
1. Did you know that you can get the best burn treatment right from your kitchen? More in: #1 Burn Treatment has Only 1 Ingredient – Honey!
2. Know how honey promotes healing effectively: How Honey Fights Infection.
3. Folk remedies or home remedies which has been embraced by past generations in ancient times have often been suggested as alternative medicine. More in: 40 Precious Alternative Medicine Honey Remedies [What Your Doctors Never Know]