bee pollen capsules
Be Wise: Bee Pollen Capsules With Powered Granules Versus Capsules with Whole Granules. Which of the 2 to Choose?
If you are considering bee pollen capsules as a health supplement, know that they can be filled with concentrated bee pollen powder or with some pollen granules. Do they have any difference in health benefits? Yes, they do!

Bee pollen capsules with whole granules may seem to be a better choice as they are “less processed” and appear to be so “wholesome”. However, we would say, avoid these capsules. Bee pollen granules are an excellent bee food. But there is a problem when they are capsuled. They should be chewed before swallowing as the cellulose shell of the pollen has to be broken. To obtain the maximum health benefits, chew bee pollen granules well to crush the bee pollen shell and release the nutrients from the pollen before ingestion.
Bee pollen granules contain all the goodness from the hive. However, only a small number of granules can be placed inside that small capsule. You need to consume many more of these capsules to get an equivalent amount as the powdered bee pollen in capsules. Furthermore, the pollen granules in the capsules will be consumed without any prior chewing. As explained. this is not an ideal way of eating pollen granules. Thus, when buying bee pollen capsules, make sure that what is placed inside the capsules is concentrated powdered granules.

Other Related Pages on Bee Pollen Capsules

1. If you are located in Singapore, check out our honey and other bee products, including bee pollen at: Bee Healthy.
2. Get my favorite honey bee pollen facial mask recipe in: Easy Face Mask Recipes for Different Skin Types.
3. Our first interview with a beekeeper, Angela, owner of Bee-Pollen-Buzz.Com and a Registered Nutritional Practitioner: Fascinating Bee Pollen Health Benefits”. Learn from her how to take bee pollen as a daily supplement, and even use it in creating healthy and delicious recipes!
4. Why bee pollen is a superfood: 4 Reasons Why Bee Pollen Has Super Healing Power.