how to fast
How To Fast With Honey – Follow 12 Do’s and Don’ts to Get it Right
Get quick tips on how to fast effectively with just honey water, all from my 3-day honey water fast experience.
1. Take only pure honey. Raw honey, the most nutritious form of honey, is the best. Use it if it’s available.
2. Make use of different honey varieties and assorted tea types to make the 3-day fast less dreadful.
3. Stay away from icy cold water, strongly caffeinated teas such as red tea, and oolong tea, alcohol and don’t smoke.
4. Do not add to your tea and honey any lemon, which can be too hard and stimulating for the stomach. Remember, take just water, and soothing honey and tea.
5. Following an amazing theory in the hibernation diet which I had previously read, I’ve learnt how to fast with honey. Take a glass of warm honey drink before going to bed so as to fuel the liver, speed up fat-burning metabolism, and keep blood sugar levels balanced.
6. You could modify this three-day program to two days or one day, or even one meal to suit your needs. For instance, on occasions when you feel you have overeaten, you might wish to detoxify the body for a day by replacing all foods with just honey drinks. With more practice, you will learn how to fast flexibly with honey.
7. I wouldn’t recommend this diet for young children, pregnant mothers, and people with a medical condition. If you are ill or recuperating from a sickness, postpone your fasting.
8. This detox program is so easy that I feel it could also be very suitable for men who are trying to lose weight but have no clue about how to fast ot would not bother a bit to figure out how to prepare all the special meals, or have no time or energy to do so.
9. Whenever you are about to give up while fasting because you feel you could not withstand the hunger, tell yourself that it is really possible and you can make it. If others can do it, so can you. Always go back to your initial intention – what makes you want to do this. Picture yourself in the desired state of health, distract yourself with lots of things to do, and persevere.
10. Remember that fasting is not complete without proper breaking of the fast – which is just as important and can be even harder. Be mentally prepared to put up a fight when confronting food again because a slumbering digestive system is highly sensitive and needs time to get back to speed. Take fresh fruit and vegetables slowly and drink fresh fruit juices. Avoid cold and citrus stuff. Eat smaller meals, chew your food well, and eat according to hunger.
1. I took 2 days to break this 3-day honey water detox. The rule of thumb is: the longer the fast, the more time is needed for breaking the fast. Typically, a period of no less than one half the length of the fast is required for breaking the fast. Going through a disciplined re-feeding process helps me reinforce good dietary habits and now I seem to be more conscious of what I eat.
12. Finally, it is erroneous thinking that you can eat all you want after you have deprived yourself for a while. We need to get this right: Fasting is not a cure for obesity or any sickness, it is a process that facilitates the body’s own healing mechanism. Rightly conducted, it is a sure, quick, safe way to unload a toxic overload. Abstinence from food, followed by rational eating, has proven very effective in helping thousands to give up bad eating habits, re-establish health and strength.
Other Related Pages on How to Fast
1) A detox is a good jumpstart to get anyone on the road of forming a better attitude towards eating. More in: My First 3-Day Fast with Honey (6 Days of Wins and Woes)
2) The revolutionary Hibernation Diet created by a British pharmacist and a nutrition expert makes a powerful connection between poor sleep and obesity: Hibernation Diet 1st to Link Sleep and Weight Loss (Big Surprise!)