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Attracting Bees in Australia

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While I was vacationing in Brisbane, Australia last year, December, I was introduced to a special beekeeping club whose members immediately stood out to me. They were not the usual beekeepers that most honey enthusiasts would expect. Bees, for them are much more than just insects that give us honey to eat... More in: Attracting Bees in Australia.

Ruth Tan

Corn Syrup Fine in Moderation?

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In 2008, The Corn Refiners Association in the United States ran an "educational campaign" to propagate on national TV that "high fructose corn syrup is fine in moderation". Today, the University of Utah reveals in what is reckoned as the most robust study on the comparison of table sugar and corn syrup toxicity that 42 percent of the added sweetener in the US diet comes from corn syrup; 44 percent comes from sucrose (table sugar). Full account in: Corn Syrup is Fine in Moderation?


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